We use unstructured play-based curriculum. Play is more than just fun for children. It’s how they learn.
Play also helps your child:
- Build confidence
- Feel loved, happy and safe
- Develop social skills, language and communication
- Develop physical skills
- Connect and refine pathways in her brain.
Free Play!
Unstructured free-play is the best type of play for young children. This is play that just happens, depending on what takes your child’s interest at the time. Free play isn’t planned and lets your child use their imagination and move at their own pace.Examples of unstructured play are:
- Creative play alone or with others, including artistic or musical games
- Role-playing, dressing-up, playing make-believe
- Exploring backyards, parks, playgrounds
- Arts and crafts
Daily Schedule
Monday-Friday 5:30am-5pm
7:30 Breakfast
11:30 Lunch12:30 Naps
4:00 Snacks